Alan & Jane RAYNER

Logan City, Brisbane

Jane Rayner began square and round dancing at the age of six with caller Peter Johnson. During her years of growing up she danced at clubs run by callers such as Jack Mitchell, Graham Rigby and Eric Wendell.

In those days round dancing was a complement to square dancing. There were no round dance clubs as such and no cueing. The callers taught the moves then put the record on between square dance brackets ( Two step and waltz were the only rhythms taught). When round dance clubs came into being, Jane danced with Elva Hoppe in Brisbane. In this era, more rhythms became popular and cueing was introduced.

In 1979 Jane met Alan Rayner who lived in Canberra. It was love at first sight and Jane moved to Canberra where she and Alan began square dancing at local clubs. Again, round dancing was taught by the club callers. Upon discovering Jane was an experienced round dancer, she was approached to teach round dancing. After discussing this with Alan, Jane purchased some round dance records, learned to read cue sheets, and formed the ‘Square Wheelers Round Dance club” ; the name was changed soon after to “Moonspinners Round Dance Club”.

After five years the cold weather of Canberra proved damaging to Jane’s health so they decided to moved to Queensland, but not before she shared her cueing knowledge with a friend , Santo Giuliano. When Jane and Alan moved from Canberra, Santo took over the running of the club and kept it going for many, many years.

Jane and Alan were involved with the formation of the Round Dance Association of N.S.W. and attended the inaugural meeting of that association.

In 1985 in Brisbane, Jane & Alan started the “Silver Circle Round Dance Club” .The club grew, and during the years that followed many dancers from Brisbane, Gold Coast and the Northern Rivers of N.S.W. learned to round dance with Jane.

Jane has cued at several National Conventions and many State Conventions and major functions.

Reluctantly, in 2002, Jane retired from running Silver Circle club due to ongoing health problems with both herself and Alan, but has kept her hand in by guest cueing at various state and interstate functions in Queensland and N.S.W as well as giving personal tuition to dancers. At the time of her retiring, Jane held the QRDA accreditation of Leader. A former member of ARDA and Roundalab (USA), Jane has been recognised by Roundalab for her work with round dancing. Jane has choreographed many featured presentations at National conventions, State Conventions and Gympie Gold Rush festivals.

After a 7 year break from running regular clubs, Jane resumed regular classes in March (2009) teaching easy level rounds at the Logan City Square Dance Centre on Tuesday nights.( see" Where we dance")

Jane was the inaugural Secretary of the Queensland Round Dance Association and has held the office of Secretary of the Square Dancing Society of Qld Inc. for a total of 6 years (2000-2003 then 2006-2007) and acting Secretary for 2008.

Jane was also the promotions officer for the 49th Australian National Square Dance Convention held in Brisbane in 2008.

The Secretary for the Logan City Square Dancers Inc. for many years, Jane along with husband Alan were presented with the Square Dancing Society of Qld “Roll of Honour” award in 1999.